…About me?

Well, Hello!

My name is Simon and this is my blog. …a little place in cyberspace for me to post my thoughts, ideas, questions, complaints, and musings about life, the universe and everything….

Who am I? I’m a young Australian lawyer, a guitar player, a surfer, a Jesus-follower, and I live with my wife in California.

You may be wondering… “what the heck is with the number 42”? Don’t fret.. it’s a reference from a favourite book of mine.

I hope that you enjoy some of the posts, and I’d love you to comment if you think I deserve a slap around the ears or if you read something you liked, or got you thinking or found encouraging…

Anyhow, to blogging we go..!


6 responses to “…About me?

  1. keep writing simon. its brilliant.

  2. Love it, and in tag line, everYthing. 🙂

  3. …dude, you’ve got a gift!

  4. Paul Schiavello

    you should maybe write a blog entry where you consider the endless fascination of Christian writers and artists with pictures of a lone person walking on a beach…

    love you bro

  5. Simon! More of these more regularly please! Always find your writings challenging, inspiring and an encouragement to me and my faith! Thanks bro!

    Much love to you n Mich! 🙂

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